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Are you ready to heal DEPRESSION for good?
In record time?

Work With Sarah Kelt for proven results to Cure Depression in 30 Days

Are You Tired Of?


  • Constantly worrying and not knowing how to get on top of fear?

  • Trying to hide the overwhelm and the lows you feel on a daily basis?

  • Not knowing how to explain to others what is going on?

  • Not understanding what the real cause of your depression is?

  • Not being able to control the non stop nasty thoughts?

  • Not knowing how to deal with the emotional storms that get on top of you?

  • Not knowing tools to help you internally when you need them most?

  • Not being able to focus or function each day?

  • Feeling tired and exhausted and lacking the energy and clarity needed to get things moving?

  • Never being able to get the right habits and tools into place to support yourself?

  • Rehashing your story and still having no answers?

  • Trying different therapies and getting nowhere?

  • Feeling exhausted and wondering when your zest for life will come back?

  • Feeling as though no one understands what you are thinking and feeling on a daily basis?

  • Believing falsely that healing takes months or even years?

  • Using uppers and downers to keep yourself going?

  • Feeling just plain over it and disempowered instead of EMPOWERED?


I have been where you are.

Let me take you on a journey to heal for good with myself using a proven process that works.

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As Seen On...

Welcome! I'm Sarah Kelt

I’m so glad you landed on this page.

Now more than ever, it is my deepest commitment to offer you personalised guidance and direction to support you on a personalised journey to reduce stress, remove burn out and re create a life full of meaning and fulfilment. I want to make my tools and guidance easy and accessible and support you in rapidly curing your stress for good.


I have been where you are now! It sucks, right?? But the good news is, I know how to get you feeling better, FAST! 


I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist and an Advanced Rapid Transformational Therapist… I am here to guide and teach you, how you can master your mind and overcome the struggles that are holding you back from being the best version of yourself. 


If you are struggling with high stress, overwhelm, burn out and feel as though you are starting to unravel … you are in the right place!


I know it can be very scary to acknowledge that you may have an issue, or struggle that you cannot overcome on your own. Reaching out for help is the first very courageous step you need to take. I am here for you! 


And let me tell, you do not need fixing. What you need is guidance, and support to show you the way to heal yourself and it all starts by understanding how you have the power to master your mind and transform the relationship you have with yourself as well as how life has been set up that is not supportive of your wellbeing.


You do not need another ‘band aid’ method, and you also do not need to talk about your issues every week for the next 2 years…You have everything you need within you to overcome your challenges… let me teach you how and in 30 days you will be feeling AMAZING and in control of your life


The methods and processes I use will get you feeling better FAST through a combination of Hypnotherapy, CBT, Psychotherapy, Mindfulness and Wellness Coaching.



Rapid Transformational Therapy


RTT is a proven technique that gets to the root cause and

reasons for your struggles easily and efficiently.


The understanding you gain is incredibly liberating and healing.

It enables you to break negative patterns in your behaviour and your thinking,

allowing you to flourish and thrive. 


Through hypnotherapy and mindset coaching, I can help you to discover the root cause of your blocks, limiting beliefs or undesirable behaviours and support you to break through them to achieve the freedom you seek.


Hypnosis is a fast and effective tool for understanding the beliefs and habits that hold you back, as well as healing emotional wounds from the past.

I use Rapid Transformational Therapy, a combination of hypnosis, cognitive behavioural therapy and psychotherapy, in conjunction with transformational coaching to help you to gain freedom from fears, addictions, anxiety and depression and any other issues you may be struggling with.


Through Rapid Transformational Therapy we can access the subconscious mind to help you change beliefs, habits and thoughts. Hypnosis can change habits to create a healthier body, relieve anxiety, guilt and fear, and enhance your confidence and self-esteem.

"Thank you so much Sarah, it was incredible this morning, been processing all of that, I know it’s only the beginning and a reminder of who I am and where I come from.


So many thoughts are crossing my mind while trying to work…But  I feel great! "


​Often, there is a gap between the letting go of old beliefs and the settling in of new ones. In conjunction with Rapid Transformational Therapy, we use powerful coaching tools and techniques to support you in your adventure of self discovery.

During the coaching process we will take a deep dive, to uncover and understand the beliefs, habits or behaviours that are holding you back. You will address your fears and understand the values that drive you to self-fulfilment and empowerment. This has been shown to set people free from issues in just one session.


The transformational coaching techniques I use deepen your understanding of the thoughts, habits and patterns that hold you back. In addition, they provide you with specific methods you can use to easily integrate changes into your life. We take a holistic approach and look at all areas of your lifestyle, from diet and sleeping patterns, to stress management techniques and self-care practices. This ensures you get the most transformational outcome.


Each program is tailor-made for the individual, so you get exactly what you need out of each session. You will be challenged and changed, and you will make breakthroughs that will alter your life forever… and soon you will be living the life you have always envisioned!

“Hi Sarah, I’m tired but feeling good. Definitely more chilled and feeling more at peace. I had an amazing sleep last night and I’m sure I will tonight too!!


Thanks for my recording and thanks so much for yesterday. Xx ”


What you get when you work with me. I am very compassionate, kind and loving, but I talk straight,  I am direct, I am not your usual therapist, I do it my way… but I do not judge… EVER. Believe me, I have been through a lot, and will never judge anyone.


I teach you actual processes to follow to break the patterns of behaviour that are holding you back. You will learn skills, and tangible actions that you can use in all areas of your life. We don’t just TALK, we DO. You will get a deep understanding of the root causes of your issues and that clarity gives you freedom. You will also heal emotional wounds and bullshit limiting beliefs, that years in ‘talk therapy’ won’t heal. 


I will open your eyes to a different perspective… so that you can see your struggles in a different way and as a result this will open up the doors of opportunity and the way you live your life moving forward. There is not just one way of being… the way you may have been programmed or conditioned by your parents, teachers, culture, religion or society… when you get to change your perspective you get to live your life for you. you can stop living your life how you think you should because of the experiences you have which impacted you and shaped the way you are…


A life of freedom… 


If you want to take hard and fast ACTION towards your recovery, towards being the best version of yourself, then I am the person to guide you.

Request A Call Back

Hi, I'm Sarah Kelt
Let's overcome your Depression together

I am a qualified Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT) and Mindmastery Coach… I combine Personal Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and wellness into a holistic process that ensures you see results in record time. I am here to guide and teach you, how you can master your mind and overcome the struggles that are holding you back from being the best version of yourself.


Are you ready to:​


  • Get to the bottom of the direct cause of your depression?

  • Stop focusing on what is wrong with you and focus on integrating tools daily that give you immediate relief?

  • Be rid of overwhelm permanently without long term therapy or bandaids?

  • Have the calm, energy and confidence you are seeking?

  • Feel empowered and have a therapist who has your back?

  • Use proven tools that work in record time?

  • Create a life worth living?


If so I'd love to talk to you.


Based in Auckland for face-to-face sessions, I also consult with clients around NZ and internationally using ZOOM. Through my powerful guidance, coaching techniques and my secret weapon, Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), I can help you live the life you deserve.

Talk to me or my booking manager to find out more about my programs, and let's get you feeling better, FAST!

I met Sarah over 12 months ago when I decided it was time to change my life. I did not like who I was and did not see a future for myself.


We have had 2 sessions over the past year and words cannot describe what RTT has done for my life.


I will be forever grateful to Sarah for her patience, understanding and commitment to what she does daily.


I could never have imagined my life would look how it does just 1 year after meeting Sarah for that first session.


Sarah is an inspiration to me to live my life happy and addiction free. Yes, it's been hard steps but with her help, I have managed to overcome addictions that I have had almost all of my life.

thank you, Sarah. Your programme is life-changing and for me life-saving.

Irene G., NZ



Ask me questions and let me know how I can help.


Request a custom support package to suit your needs and budget.


We begin your journey, 1:1 sessions and the transformation begins.

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